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GreenHouse Ministries
A Place For Mom - Nashville

 The Modest Needs® MissionModest Needs exists To prevent otherwise financially self-sufficient individuals and families from entering the cycle of poverty, when this might be avoided with a small amount of well-timed financial assistance; To restore the financial self-sufficiency of individuals who are willing to work but are temporarily unable to do so because they do not have the means to remit payment for a work-related expense; To empower permanently disadvantaged individuals who otherwise live within their limited means to continue to live independently, despite a temporary, unexpected financial set-back; and To strengthen small non-profit organizations by providing a forum whereby such organizations can apply directly to the general public for the help they need to complete the relatively inexpensive projects that will allow them to better serve their clients and the communities they exist to serve.
If you receive Medicare or are Medicare eligible, MedicareSupplementalInsurance.com can provide free quotes to help you decide if you would also benefit from a Medigap or Medicare Advantage health plan.
CareCalls - are designed to assist families of aging and disabled loved ones by making daily health and safety checkup calls. We offer medication, meal and activity reminders, along with friendly social interaction. All calls are made by live representatives, not an automated system.
Nursing Home Activities Resource - A Great Guide To Nursing Home Activities and Many Useful Links
Melodic Memories - The Perfect Senior Sing Along Series
Caregiver Stress Article - Remembering To Take Care Of Yourself
Caregiving can be a very rewarding job, but unfortunately stress among caregivers is extremely common. Ignoring the symptoms of stress can eventually affect physical and mental health, but following some simple stress management tips can make a big difference.
MedicalScrubsOutlet.com - For the latest styles in medical scrubs and nursing uniforms
DrugDangers.com - Drug Dangers is committed to providing the latest information on a range of medications and medical devices that have very serious complications.
SMART911.com - Smart911 is a free service that allows citizens across the U.S. to create a Safety Profile for their household that includes any information they want 9-1-1 to have in the event of an emergency.
Personal Injury Help - We can help victims and their families get the justice and financial compensation they are rightfully owed. If you’ve been injured and need help now, give us a call today!
Mesothelioma Lawsuit Assistance -Information and assistance for mesothelioma victims and family interested in their legal options.
National and Global Resource Links:
American Society on Aging
National Council for Aging Care
National Council on Aging
Luxury Medical - Private Health Insurance Experts
Family Caregiver Alliance National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers The Center for Social Gerontology National Area Agencies on Aging Direct Care Alliance, Inc. National Clearinghouse on the Direct Care Workforce National Family Caregivers Association National Guardianship Association, Inc. National Private Duty Association Third Age Alzheimer's Association American Association for Respiratory Care American Cancer Society American Diabetes Association American Heart Association American Lung Association American Stroke Association National Parkinson Foundation Kaiser Family Foundation National Alliance for Hispanic Health National Organization on Disability American Hospice Foundation National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. Administration on Aging
Family Nurse Practitioner Programs CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services FirstGov
United We Ride
Pleural Mesothelioma Center Mesothelioma Cancer Alliance
Social Security Disability Resource Center (SSDRC.com)
Nursing Home Abuse Guide
Nursing Home Abuse - Experienced Nursing Home Attorneys
Government Sites
- Medicare.gov. An all-purpose site with interactive tools for planning and paying for long-term care and choosing among drug plans. Includes searchable inspection results, good and bad, for the all the nation's skilled nursing facilities.
- NIHSeniorHealth.gov. A collaboration of the National Institutes of Health and the National Library of Medicine that provides authoritative information on all diseases and disorders of old age. Each section is available in both large-type and audio versions.
- National Institute on Aging. Describes ongoing research on aging and lists clinical trials seeking participants.
- U.S. Administration on Aging. Brief fact sheets on aging and links to outside resources for an assortment of caregiving issues, including financial planning, residential options, in-home services, case management and the law.
- Benefits.gov. A tool to help determine benefit eligibility for a variety of government programs.
Housing and Services
- American Association of Home and Services for the Aging. Consumer information on senior housing from an association of non-profit nursing homes, assisted living centers, continuing care retirement communities, adult day care centers and the like.
- Assisted Living Federation of America. Among other resources, offers a database of assisted living facilities searchable by location or parent company.
- National Center for Assisted Living. Provides a more elaborate "facility finder" that factors in cost, method of payment, mobility, dietary needs, activities and amenities.
- National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers. Search for a geriatric care manager by location.
- Visiting Nurse Associations of America. Search for home health services nationwide. Includes suggested questions to ask service providers.
- Homemods.org. Advice on home renovation from the University of Southern California.
- HealthGrades. Comparisons and one-to-five-star ranking of nursing homes, for $9.95 for the first report and $2.95 for each additional one.
- UCompareHealthCare. Free search by location for nursing homes, plus data on quality, staffing and outcomes from government sources. (Disclosure: Owned by The New York Times Co.)
- Getcare.com. A sleek, three-step process to assess long-term care options, learn about each type, and then search by location for a variety of services, including Alzheimer's day care, grief support or respite for a caregiver.
- TheSeniorGuide.com. Search by state and region for all types of senior housing, case managers, lawyers and more. Includes a glossary of industry jargon.
- National Association of Senior Move Managers (NASMM). A not-for-profit, professional association dedicated to assisting older adults with the physical and emotional demands of downsizing, relocating, or modifying their homes.
- CareScout. Charges $499 to help users select housing options and services for the elderly who can pay their own way and are not reliant on Medicare or Medicaid.
- A Place for Mom
- Family Caregiver Alliance. Offers tips on a wide range of topics, including how to hire help, hold a family meeting, balance work and caregiving, find important papers, and decide whether parents should move in with an adult child.
- National Alliance for Caregiving. Reviews of more than 1,000 books, videos, Web sites and links.
- National Family Caregivers Association. Provides statistics, research and policy reports, tip sheets, first-person accounts, a newsletter and an exhaustive resource list.
- MetLife Mature Market Institute. Reports from a research arm of the insurance company on the price of assisted living, the strains of long-distance caregiving, and the cost to employers of baby boomer employees involved in eldercare.
- Strength for Caring. A site for family caregivers from Johnson and Johnson with original articles written by experts and how-to materials.
- The Alzheimer's Association.
Legal and Financial
- BenefitsCheckUp. A search tool developed by the National Council on Aging to determine eligibility for 1,300 benefit programs that help pay for medications, health care, utilities and so forth.
- National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. Search by location for members of the association. Provides questions to ask lawyers about qualifications and areas of expertise, and a wide-ranging resource list for the elderly.
- National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Free fact sheets and shoppers' guides for long-term care insurance, annuities and Medigap policies.
- Insurance Information Institute.
- Reverse.org. A consumer's guide to reverse mortgages from a non-profit with no ties to the industry. Links to the AARP's calculator for choosing such policies.
- ReverseMortgage.org. Similar calculator and search tool to find local lenders, with links to their Web sites.
- Nolo. Do-it-yourself legal advice. Wills, powers of attorney and other documents.
- Senior Law Home Page. Advice from a New York law firm on the legal and financial issues facing the elderly. state forms for powers of attorney, health care proxies and living wills.
- U.S. Living Will Registry. Free state-by-state forms.
- American Bar Association Aging Tool Kit. Offers a 10-step process for making end-of-life decisions with worksheets, suggestions and links.
- http://cancermisdiagnosisguide.com - Was created so families and loved ones could seek answers on cancer; specifically those who have been misdiagnosed. From cancer types to claims, cancer misdiagnosis guide covers an extensive amount of cancer discourse.
End of Life
- The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. An excellent search tool for finding a hospice, as well as guides on issues related to palliative care, including Medicare coverage and techniques for communicating end-of-life wishes.
- Caring Connections. Contains of the consumer information from NHPCO and has state-by-state advance directive forms.
- Compassion and Choices.
- Hospice Foundation of America. Information on end-of-life issues, such as pain management. One section called "Caregivers Corner" has links, reading lists and a self-assessment tool for caregivers to analyze their own strengths and weaknesses.
- Elderweb. An eccentric site that includes the history of long-term care policy in America, census maps that show the concentration of people 60 and over, book reviews, updates on state laws affecting the elderly, and a dictionary of eldercare jargon.
- Eldercare Online. This site has a home-made look and is difficult to navigate, but includes a wealth of original and imported information.
- Caring.com. An all-in-one site with advice on caregiving, long-term care, talking with elders and insurance issues.
- National Care Planning Council. A work in progress from a couple who "didn't have a life for five years" while caring for four elderly parents. Now a membership organization advocating for long-term care.
- Third Age. Articles, expert interviews, quizzes and discussion boards for caregivers.
- Aging Parents and Eldercare. A commercial site with free access to same checklists, worksheets and on-line assessment tools found elsewhere. For sale are products like wheelchairs and incontinence supplies.
- Medical Billing Degree. Guide to the best accredited medical billing degree
National Incontinence provides a large variety of incontinence management and treatment options.
- Elder Issues. Some interesting articles on caregiving. Primarily the site for a company marketing online medical records for elderly persons.
- KaiserEdu. An educational site from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Includes a variety of slide tutorials and podcasts on financial and policy issues related to long-term care.
- The Mesothelioma Group (http://mesotheliomagroup.com/)
- Mesothelioma Resource Online (www.mesotheliomasymptoms.com).
- The Lung Cancer Alliance (http://www.lungcanceralliance.org/)
- Drug news at http://www.drugnews.net
- NewRetirement (http://www.newretirement.com) Making retirement planning easier by making free, high quality tools available to everyone
http://rsdguide.com was created so that victims and families could seek information and facts regarding Reflex Sympathetic Dystrohpy (RSD), or more commonly known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS).
- AARP. Political position papers, member discounts, demographic research, online versions of its bulletin, and magazine and consumer advice.
- Center for Medicare Advocacy. Detailed information about what Medicare covers, and how to enroll and, if necessary, appeal denial of claims.
- Medicare Rights Center. A similar tutorial on how this government health care program for the elderly works. A link to the Kaiser Family Foundation's "Medicare 101" and a hotline for questions and complaints.
- National Association of Area Agencies on Aging. Articles on caregiving, policy reports, and links to eldercare service agencies.
Emotional Support
- Children of Aging Parents. Support groups, both online and face-to-face. Newsletter focuses on interpersonal matters like stress among siblings, caregiver depression and getting through the holidays.
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